References and Game Materials


The RE-O-Poly's author is Renel Smith. The author's website is:




The references related to the game are:


[1] R. a. O. G. Smith, "Using a Game to Introduce Lightweight Requirements Engineering", 15th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, New Delhi, India: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007, pp. 379-380.


[2] R. a. O. G. Smith, "Gameplay to Introduce and Reinforce Requirements Engineering Practices", 16th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, Barcelona, Spain: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008.


[3] R. a. O. G. Smith, "RE-O-POLY: A Game to Introduce Lightweight Requirements Engineering Good Practices", Requirements Engineering Workshop on Education and Training (REET), New Delhi, India, October 2007.


Below are the links for the game materials. Also, we can get the game materials in the author's website:


· RE-O-Poly Board.


· RE-O-Poly Rule Book.


· RE-O-Poly Project, Scenario, Task Cards.


The above materials have been translated into Spanish. Also leave the links to get them:


· Tablero RE-O-Poly.


· Cuaderno de Reglas RE-O-Poly.


· Tarjetas de Escenario y Tareas RE-O-Poly.


· Tarjetas de Proyecto RE-O-Poly.